17 October 2007

Things that go beep in the night... (2007-05-09)

(Originally posted on 9 May 2007.)

Last night was rather strange. I’d just barely put Giggles to sleep when I heard some strange beeping upstairs. Sure enough, when I went up to check, it was my clock radio alarm ringing away – at 9 p.m.!! I quickly turned it off, but thankfully it had’t woken Giggles – though she was sleeping in my bed, not half a meter from the offending clock…

Earlier that afternoon I had set the alarm for 2:20 p.m. to warn me when it was time to go pick up Giggles from school, as I was working in the sewing room upstairs, next to my bedroom, and the clock radio was the closest alarm I would be sure to hear. Before leaving I had reset it for the usual 6:17 a.m. Or had I? I double-checked – yes, it was indeed set for 6:17 a.m. So why was it ringing? Tis a mystery.

Later that night – at 2:30ish – I woke suddenly to the sound of something beeping. No, not the clock radio alarm this time; it was something outside the room. Thoughts of ignoring it crossed my mind, but were quickly discarded as the beep, though not loud, was frequent and regular enough it would keep me awake. So I got out of bed and went to investigate. For a moment I thought it might be the fire alarm battery running out, but that beep is louder and a different tone. It seemed to be emanating from near the front door. I went downstairs, approached the door, and sure enough, there it was – coming from the security alarm panel. The odd thing is, that panel hasn’t been working for the past two and a half years!!! I pressed one or two buttons and got the beeping to stop – leaving a light illuminated on the panel where none had shone for over two years…Again, a mystery.

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