29 October 2007

Of cat walks and other creatures (2007-07-01)

(Originally posted on 1 July 2007.)

As I mentioned previously, Giggles has taken to taking the cat for "walks." Here are some pix of a recent "walk" to the park taken by Giggles, Tinu and me.

Giggles and Tinu on the park bench.

Tinu and I enjoy a rest on the park bench.

Tinu among the bushes.
Gigles with a neighbour lady and her two dogs that we met in the park.

Giggles has been very keen for some time to have her own pet. I have told her often that we won't get another cat (or dog) until Tinu has died. (Tinu is 19, and showing her age - though still getting around okay - so she could drop dead any moment or, on the other hand, live another 2-3 years...) For about a week before leaving for Alberta, Giggles was very keen to show she was "'sponsible" and cleaned the cat box every day (with some assistance from Mommy). This has been one of my mantras - you can't have a pet until you can show me you're responsible enough to look after it.

On the other hand, sometimes the best way to build responsibility is to have something important to be responsible for. So I've promised that, at the end of the summer - or as soon as she fills in her entire summer "reading/homework log/' which will probably take all summer - I will get Giggles a guinea pig or a hamster. We'll start with something small that has a relatively short life span and see how it goes...

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