17 October 2007

Dossier to Ethiopia! (2007-04-24)

(Originally posted on 24 April 2007.)

When I finally got to reading my e-mail at home yesterday after a week of being too busy in the evening, there it was waiting for me - sent earlier that very day! The news that my dossier had been sent to Ethiopia that same day, Monday 23 April. The file had been sent to the Ethiopian Embassy in Ottawa for authentication just the previous Thursday, 19 April, and I'd been told the process takes one to two weeks, so I wasn't expecting to be DTE until the end of this week at the earliest, possibly the first week in May.

The same day the application for the permanent resident visa arrived in the mail. So now all that's missing is the child referral... Iv'e been told that could take two to three months. If it goes as quickly as everything else, it might be here before the end of May... Stay tuned.

On the home front, tickets have been purchased for Giggles to fly on her own to visit Laolao and Laoye, leaving in the evening of the last day of school, June 27. I'll join them two weeks later for sixteen days in sunny Alberta, and we'll all fly back to Ottawa at the end of July. Here's hoping Giggles survives two weeks without Mommy - and Mommy survives two weeks without her...

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