17 October 2007

Animal babies (2007-06-11)

(Originally posted on Monday, 11 June 2007.)

This afternoon Giggles went across the street to play with little Jay while I finished getting supper. I was almost ready to call her when she came running, calling for me to come and see something really special!!! I followed her into the neighbour’s back yard, and there in the middle of the lawn was a hole in the grass, with some dead grass and fur fluff scattered around. Giggles pointed into the hole and said “Mommy! Look! Baby bunnies!”

Sure enough, there were about eight baby rabbits snuggled up in the hole. They were very young – so young their eyes were not yet open. Giggles and I each picked one up and cuddled them very briefly, before putting them back in the nest, where they burrowed down amongst their brothers and sisters, leaving only their little bums sticking up in the air. I said we shouldn’t touch them much, as we didn’t want to scare their mommy away with our scent. So we just watched them for a few minutes, their little bums moving gently as they breathed.

Giggles said she was the one who found the nest. She noticed the fur fluff and pointed it out to Dr A, who dug down to see what it was and uncovered the baby bunnies

Giggles by bunny nest.

Baby bunnies with their bums sticking out!

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