03 December 2008

May you live in interesting times…

Prime Minister Harper is being forced into a corner by his political opponents, but he’s not giving up without a fight.

Personally, while I am not a fan of the Conservative Government (among other reasons, they are not supporters of the arts and culture, no matter what they say), I think a change of government at this time would be irresponsible and create additional political uncertainty that would bode ill for any attempts at economic stablilization. If that is what the Opposition is truly after, then let the Conservatives do their job. A coalition of such diverse interests would have trouble hanging together at the best of times, which these are not. If a coalition took power, we would be facing increased uncertainty, rather than stability and economic stimulus.

I have another, philosophical, reason for opposing any attempt at a coalition government by the Opposition parties: the presence/support of the Bloc Québécois. The news media reports currently indicate (the way I’ve heard it) that the BQ would not be a part of the coalition but would rather support the Liberals and NDP in a coalition. Well, that might mitigate my concern somewhat, but even so… It is my opinion that the BQ has no part in a governing coalition. This is a party whose sole purpose is to support those who call for Québec no longer to be part of Canada. A party that does not want to be Canadians governing the country to which they do not want to belong? Come again?

1 comment:

Danielle said...

Great post! I completely agree!