25 November 2008

One month until Christmas

… and when we woke up this morning, a winter wonderland awaited us outside our doors, with a good 10 cm of snow blanketing the ground. (If I had a digital camera yet, I’d show you what it looks like…)

Mustang and Button are getting hepped up for the holidays. I took them shopping for each other’s Christmas present on Saturday – on my own! Not easy when they’re each looking for things and trying to hide them from the other. They shopped in different aisles of the store and once a selection had been made, we hid it in the shopping cart under their coat. Then at the checkout the one whose present was being paid for had to turn away and close his or her eyes… An observant fellow shopper, in line behind us, pointed out to the cashier that she should double-bag the items if they were to be hidden, as the bags were rather see-through.

Then on Sunday afternoon I did some shopping sans kids. When I returned home, I found a good half-dozen Christmas bags filled with prezzies hidden under the sewing table in the croft – prezzies for the stuffies, that is…

I have four days left to finish the first round of Christmas sewing projects. That’s because this year, instead of having a whole mountain of prezzies (I try to limit it, but it always seems to end up as a mountain) on Christmas day, we’re going to split things up into smaller, manageable quantities and give one or two (max three!!) prezzies each Sunday of Advent. Christmas day we will find the Christmas stockings and that’s it. Rather than presents, the focus of Christmas day will (I hope) shift to Christ’s birth and the fellowship of friends and family.

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