09 April 2009

Odds and sods...

Found money
Last year I had a minor surgical procedure on my eye. As it was a new type of procedure, it wasn’t covered by my provincial health plan and I had to fork out about $1100 to cover the cost. Last Friday I received a letter from the hospital where it was performed – turns out they had just been advised by the health plan that it was covered after all! (Perhaps newly so…) The letter was accompanied by a refund cheque of $750!! (That was for the hospital portion. I need to check whether the surgeon’s fee might also be refunded…)

Winter relapse
We had been having quite lovely weather during most of the latter half of March and into early April. Then, on Monday, winter decided to sneak in through the back door, and since then it’s been cold, snowy – yes, snowy! (though not a lot) – and generally kind of miserable. I had put away the parkas and boots as no longer needed, and here had to haul them out again.

Oh well, it’s supposed to get nice again by tomorrow and stay nice through Easter Weekend. Spring will not be denied.

Bicycle for Button
The Sunday before they left, Laoye was walking to church when he came upon a shiny red child’s bicycle standing by the curb with a sign on it: “FREE.” Being Laoye – and knowing that Button was growing out of his old bike – he sat down on the seat and propelled himself the last two blocks to church. It needed a bit of a tune-up and oiling, and lowering the seat, but is now quite rideable. This bike is the next size up from what he had and is equipped with six gears. It should do for several years.

So we took the old bikes (seeing as we still Mustang’s old bike, though she got a new one last fall) to a friend, to give to a refugee family with three young children, one of whom is the right size for these bikes and one who will grow into them. They will be well used there!

1 comment:

Danielle said...

Wow! Congrats on your unexpected money! That's the best kind! :-)