21 April 2009

Magical Tuesday

Here are some more "historical" photos, from back in March.

Crow tracks

A visit to the Farm

At the beginning of March break we visited the local Farm. It was our first visit since last fall, and we were keen to see the baby animals. Well, see them we did! We missed witnessing the actual birth of this calf by about 5 minutes. But we saw as it lay in the straw - looking a little stunned - and as the mother gave it a good licking - I mean, cleaning.

Then we went and visited the other animals. At the end of our tour, we went back to the barn to check out the new calf and witnessed its first attempts to stand and its first successful suckling. Very cool!


In the dairy barn's "maternity" wing, we saw another cow who had given birth to twins just a couple of days prior. They were hale and hearty already.

And here is friend Pigster, decked out in her March break finery.

1 comment:

bliss said...

love the hairdo!!!