09 March 2008

One of the advantages ...

... of having a boy and a girl is that, when you're in a hurry at bedtime (or any time, I suppose), they can both pee into the same toilet at the same time.


Proudmama said...

Wow, hadn't even considered that. I hope that Poppet has good aim! I love all the new pictures that you've attached - thanks for sharing them! :)


Mamato2 said...


Anonymous said...

wow roma, that's gross. and to add to that, as a mommy you know that whichever toilet YOU choose, someone is sure to be there trying to show you something or give you a hug. Remember to lock the door!!!


Anonymous said...

glad there was no photo on that one, Roma. Hope to talk to you soon, exchange travel memories. Could you pm me when you have a chance, sk


Playful Platypus said...

Malia's mama - they have to be young enough that the girl's bum doesn't completely cover the hole, that's how! The boy just stands to the side and aims to the back of the toilet...